Monday, December 3, 2012

More carrot adventures...

Well, I made more progress on that giant bag of carrots that I bought last month.  So far I have ten quarts of sliced carrots to eat and five quarts of pickled carrots.  The pickled carrots tuned out to be delicious.  The canned carrots will be a nice addition to dinner in the future.  Canning the carrots was really simple.

First, I peeled and sliced a giant mixing bowl of carrots.  Then I doled them out into my hot, sanitized jars.  I put just under a teaspoon of salt into each jar.  The recipes I read said you could leave the salt out, but I figured the carrots would be pretty bland without it.  Then I topped off each jar with boiling water, leaving an inch of head space for processing.  They all went into the pressure cooker for a thirty minute processing time.

In other news I received my Christmas present early from my wonderful husband.  A new iPad to play with!  It has a definite learning curve and my blog may look a bit different as I learn how to best use it.
The pickled carrots were FANTASTIC!!!
The canned carrots, not so much.  They had a funny almost metalic flavor that none of my family could get past.  After some research I found out that using table salt in canning recipes will do that to your end product.  So, lesson learned.  I now have canning salt in my cupboard, and my chickens enjoyed a few quarts of cooked carrots.  That's life!

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