Hubby recently moved our pellet stove from the living room into the dining room. He said it was all hooked up and ready to start as soon as I deemed it cold enough for a fire.
I decided this morning that I was cold. Even though my house is currently 63*f and I usually try to wait until it is below 60*f, I wanted a fire. No big deal, right?
Now to start the fire.
First of all, the outlet next to the pellet stove has not been repaired. The pellet stove will require an extension cord to plug it in. Thank goodness, the cord from hubby installing the pellet stove was still there. I ran the extension cord across the room to the nearest functioning outlet.
Now to start the fire.
Wait. No one cleaned the pellet stove out the last time it was run. I can clean the silly thing. 20 minutes later, the pellet stove is relatively free of ashes and the glass is mostly clean.
Now to start the fire.
Crumple the paper, add the pellets into the basket. Lamp oil. Where is the lamp oil? We kept it on the shelf above where the pellet stove used to be. Now there is an entertainment center there. The shelf is behind the entertainment center. But look, there's the lamp oil! I am short and cannot reach it. I get my kitchen step ladder and set it up in front of the entertainment shrine. Reaching as far as I can without toppling the TV I can barely reach the lamp oil. There is just enough left in the bottle to start the fire maybe two or three times. Mental note, add lamp oil to shopping list. Put lamp oil on pellets and paper.
Now to start the fire.
Where is the lighter? Where is ANY lighter? Matches? Come on, there must be some source of flame here. I wander around the house looking all the likely places that a lighter would be placed. Then all of the unlikely places there might just be a lighter or matches. Finally, I find hubby's little hand held blow torch that lights itself. That will work!
Now to start the fire.
Everything is set up. Fire is lit. I am no longer cold or in need of a fire because of all the activity has warmed me nicely.
That's okay though. I forgot to turn on the auger. So, in the time it took me to write this post, the fire went out.
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