Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Why October is my new favorite month

Has it really been that long since I last posted?  WOW!

The end of August and the entire month of September has been a whirlwind of activity for me.  The beginning of the school year is a fantastic, stressful, wonderful, crazy time. 

I used to say that summer is my favorite time of the year.  It's warm.  It doesn't rain as much around here.  There is no pressure of a real schedule for the kids and I.  We see friends more often and have lots of barbeque dinners with guests all the time.  I love that time of year.

I have to admit though, as a teacher, October is my new favorite month.

September is spent getting to know everything about a new school year.  The class and I are getting to know all the personalities in room 262.  We are all adjusting to routines and procedures.  I am constantly adjusting to see what works best for my students.  They are constantly adjusting to see where my boundaries are and when I really will give out detentions.

As a new teacher, I am adjusting to all the teacherery things that come with a new school year.  Teacher evaluation requirements and working with the state's websites.  Attending workshops and staff training days are a new experience.  Figuring out all the forms that come with a new job was a special kind of frustration.  Most of all, trying to figure out a schedule that makes me feel like I am in control of what happens in the classroom without loosing control of what happens at the home front.

Now, October is a whole new story.

October is when the class has gone through it's initial adjustments.  The students know my boundaries, and I know most of their tricks.  I feel like I know their little personalities enough to be able to predict how a group is going to work.  I can say who is a good leader and who needs a little leadership.  I can see who needs a little word of encouragement and who needs a bit of alone time to figure things out.

October is when I start to feel really in control of my schedule.  I bring home less to grade over the weekends and spend more evenings walking with my family.  Most of the week I'm home early enough for some activity before I need to cook dinner.  Miracle of miracles, dinner is being served before 8pm.

October is a lovely month.

I still love summer.  But, October has a new place in my list of favorite things.

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